Monday, 22 March 2010

Two Ants and a coffee

If there is something Sydney can offer its residents it is hundreds of thousands of small cute cafes where you can drink your morning coffee and read the latest news in The Sydney Morning Herald. After living in our apartment in Rushcutters Bay for over a week we have now found our own favorite cute local coffee place. And believe me there is plenty of competition in the area. So why do we love this one particular place so much? Well for one it is located just a two minute walk from our apartment towards the beautiful and peaceful Elisabeth Bay, but most importantly it serves "the best" Cappuccinos and Mochas we have tasted in a long time. This together with the white antique style building, the friendly staff and the cute name "Two Ants" makes us want to come back for more. Nowadays when I am still unemployed (although not for much longer) and my Harry Hole is at university all day long I bring the Harry Hole book I am reading up too Two Ants for my morning coffee. It is the perfect start to my day.  

I have to say that I am very proud of Lars these days because I know it is hard for him to study again in a foreign language after working six years. He is up all day and all night reading and taking his studies very seriously. I have to be honest and say that I had forgotten how much work it is to take a masters degree at The University of Sydney. This week for example he has a Power Point presentation in class about "globalization and safety" in the subject Business and Security and next week he has two essays due in two other subjects. Although there is a lot of pressure on him at the moment he is learning something new every day and I am convinced that the competence he now is building will be highly sought by in the future.

We also promised you some answer to some questions last week and here they are:


Yes, Lars me and Kenneth where probably some of the oldest on the ANSA cruise on Thursday, but we did have a good time with the kids. I have however after some consideration decided that this was probably my last ANSA cruise ever and that makes me feel a bit old.


We won the harbor race on Wednesday and I could hardly believe it, great fun to be number one. However in Fridays Twilight race it was back to reality with only a twelfth place. The good news is that there is one more Friday Twilight race to go so we still have time for revenge. (If someone is wondering why they call it Twilight race it is because the race is in the evening (5PM-8PM) just before the sun goes down behind Sydney's tall buildings)


Good news on this one, it looks like I have a new job. I will however have more on this topic next week as I have not signed a contract yet. I have a meeting with the company on wednesday to seal the deal.

Last but not least have a look at our new film Sydney Action Part 3 for some clips from our local area Rushcutters Bay and some clips from St Patricks Day celebrations in Sydney.
Link Sydney Action Part 3

Have a tremendous week everyone.

We also send an extra hug to Brit this week and wish her a happy snappy birthday on Tuesday.

Hug from

Cecilie and Lars


  1. Jeg vil være med på morgen-kaffe på Two Ants :)


  2. Hei kjære! Godt å se at dere koser dere Cecilie, og så spennende med utsikter for en ny jobb! Gleder meg til å få høre flere detaljer når ting faller på plass:)

    Våren har endelig kommet til Oslo også. Det var 10 varmegrader og herlig stemning på løkka i helgen og jeg kan nesten ikke vente på fortsettelsen:)
    Ellers ligger leiligheten vår ute for salg nå. Litt spennende og veldig vemodig synes jeg. Foreløpig har vi ikke funnet oss noe nytt, så jeg regner med at vi kommer til å leie en stund i byen før vi forhåpentligvis finner drømmeleiligheten. Hvem vet - kanskje det blir i Waldermars hage?:)

    Nyt sommeren videre, og kaffen på "Two Ants"!

    Vi snakkes!

    Stor klem Anita

  3. Hei Anita, så hyggelig å høre fra deg:-)

    Høres deilig ut med vår hjemme, det er jo faktisk ingenting i verden som slår den følelsen etter en lang og tøff vinter. Her er det vist offisielt høst nå (starter første Mars), men med 28 grader og sol hele sist uke så har vi ikke akkurat gått inn i høst depresjoner enda:-) Jeg følger med på bloggen din og så at dere hadde lagt ut leiligheten for salg, Utrolig fine bilder på FINN, har en god følelse på at denne kommer til å bli solgt fort til en bra pris. Fikk jo lyst til å kjøpe den selv. Dere må si fra hvis dere er interessert i å leie i WH, Den er ledig fra 1 juni. Hvis ikke så hadde det vært kjempegøy om dere kjøpte i Waldemars Hage, da hadde det blitt mye Løkka og vinkvelder på oss neste år:-)

    Nyt våren og hold meg oppdattert på TDC news og leilighets news

    Klem fra Cec

  4. Kom ned og ta en kaffe med meg da Kristina;-)

  5. Jeg kommer nedover så snart jeg har feira ferdig alle bursdagane mine;)!!!

