Monday, 15 March 2010

How many 30 ml tastes of wine can you drink before you get tipsy on a Sunday?

That was the question we asked our selves when we woke up Sunday morning feeling in a good mood knowing there would be wine tasting in Hyde Park with some of Australia's best wineries throughout the day. You see, this week is New South Wales Wine Week, in other words, quoted from The Sydney Morning Herald: Seven days of the state's best drinking and eating all in one place (Sydney). So after a good breakfast on the balcony followed by our morning run in Rushcutters Bay Park we decided it was time for some wine. Strangely it was not only us who woke up with an urge for the squashed grapes this day, so we joined the other 20.000 people in Hyde Park and tasted some of the best wines in the region. And the answer to our initial question: In the sun, with no water its 5 tastes of red, 5 tastes of white and 10 tastes of Peterson's pink sparkling.

The Apartment

We moved in to our new apartment on Friday and we are so, so happy. We love the location, we love the fact that we have the park and the bay with all the sailing boats just outside our doorstep. We love the local tennis club where you can play tennis for 100 NOK an hour and grab a coffee or a sandwich afterwards. We love the balcony where we have breakfast in the sun on the weekends and we love the white, bright and clean apartment with our outdoor furniture, inside. Actually we now call the place our summer house.
For a guided tour in our apartment and the local area see our new film:  Sydney Action Part 2 (just click on the link to watch)

As you probably understand last week was all about moving into the apartment, and while Lars had to go to school I ran around K-Mart and IKEA to try to find stuff that was OK but cheap. The only thing we need now is a carpet in the lounge, a vacuum cleaner, something to hang on the wall and a washing machine for clothes. We do however have a coin operated laundry room in the building where we can wash until we buy our own.
We hope we can find a used one for around 700NOK on gumtree (the same as


On Sunday after the wine tasting we also attended our first Australian BBQ at Tigen and Kenneths place in Pyrmont. It was just what we needed after a long weekend with moving and settling in to our new place.

Next week on

Will Lars and Cecilie be the oldest norwegians on the ANSA student cruise coming up this Thursday?
Can Cecilie and the rest of the crew on Carmen (sailboat) win the last twilight race of the season?
Will Cecilie get a job soon?
Does Lars and Cecilie have a washing machine or do they still wear dirty clothes?
Sydney Action Part 3......

Dont miss out on next weeks Blog.

Have a marvelous week everyone.

Hugs from Lars and Cecilie


  1. hallo sydney. Leiligheita ser fin ut. Mangler noen bilder på vegga? ellers flott. Takker deg Cecilie for ein flott film. Me gler oss til neste blogg. Spennande. Her på voss går det som før. Idag fint ver, sol og varmegrader. Men imorgo tirsdag blir det snø. Har gått med ein tur ikveld etter jobb. Deilig. Snakkast snart . Mor og far på voss.

  2. Cecilie takker. Ja vi må få oss noen bilder på veggene. Blir nok et par postere eller noe, siden vi ikke kan ta helt av med hammeren. Kom hjem kl elleve i kveld etter forelesninger etc fra kl ni i dag tidlig. Har to intense uker foran meg. Hils. Snakkes

  3. Hei Lars (og Cecilie - som jeg aldri fikk møte).

    Jeg er ikke misunnelig. Jeg liker ikke vin, tennis eller bading.

    En gang var jeg på en "wine and food - festival" på New Zealand. Jeg ble da omhandlet i lokalavisen som "a norwegian tourist". Man trenger ikke smake på all vinen.

    Uansett, kos dere videre, men ikke glem Lars at du egentlig er der for senere å kunne bekjempe den organiserte kriminaliteten

