Monday, 8 March 2010

The best way to celebrate a new apartment is with drinks at Opera Bar

We got the apartment in Rushcutters Bay and we are moving in this week. The happy couple (Lars and Cecilie) therefore celebrated this Saturday with a pub dinner at Harbor Bridge View Hotel in The Rocks, followed by drinks at the Opera Bar down by Sydney Opera House. It was a lovely and warm night and it was our first time down to the Opera House since we arrived. It is at the moment you see the Opera House and the Harbor Bridge lit up at night, surrounded by tourist and party people, you realize that you are in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. After dinner we strolled down to Circular Key and bought our selves a double scoop ice cream to cool down. The evening ended with drinks at the Opera bar where a jazz band played groovy beats and the party factor was high ( ).

Opera Bar

Now, back to the new apartment. It is not furnished so we have to buy some stuff. The good news is that Lars meet this nice Australian guy at university who new another guy who was selling a bed and a fridge for a very good price. So now we have a bed and a fridge. We also bought a new sofa, two chairs and a table for 1500 NOK and a 80 piece kitchen starter set for 500 NOK, both at K-mart. Its a good start. 


                                       Our new living room furniture

The first week of university passed quickly for Lars and he has now just started his second week of lectures. On Mondays he has a subject called International security, on Tuesdays he has Strategy and Security in the Asia Pacific and on Wednesdays its Decease and Security. Thursdays and Fridays are lecture free and he has time for studying and reading articles for the next lecture. The first semester he will also complete a subject called Business and Security in an intensive course over a few weeks. The first essay is due already in the end of march so there is really no time to relax, and we don't really see each other much during the week. We do however try to make time for dinner together after his lectures and we often meet in Newtown for a good and cheap Thai-meal. 

There is also some new job-hunting news. I have a job-meeting with a company in the city on wednesday and I have also applied for five other jobs. I hope something will land in the near future and will keep you posted. Other then that we hooked up with my old room mate Kenneth for dinner and a drink yesterday after a long nice Sunday at Bondi Beach. Summer is still going strong in Sydney. 

Saturday market@The FRINGE                            milkshake @Bondi cafe 

Last but not least, have a look at some Live L&C Sydney Action: Sydney Action part one

Have a thrilling week everyone.

Hugs from Lars and Cecilie


  1. hei hei. Detta går jo strålande, syns dere er komt godt i gang med både mastergrad og jobbsøking. Til og med flotte møbler til leiligheten har dere fått. Alt fint me oss. Take care:-)Klem frå oss i sandane.

  2. melding frå voss. : Les at leiligheit er i boks. Det er flott at møbler er innkjøpt. Flotte stue møbler. Eg synest dere har vore flinke. Stå på. No er det snart jobb å få for deg Cecilie også. Dette er flott. Lukke til videre. Klem frå mor og far p voss.

  3. halloen.:No er dere komen godt igang med det meste les eg. Leiligheita er på plass, møbler er kjøpt, dette ser bra ut. Jobb er like rundt hjørna for deg Cecilie. Flott. Dere er flinke. Me følger med vidare. Stå på. Klem frå voss

  4. Så hyggelig at Vossa gjengen er så flinke til å komentere bloggen vår. Det setter vi pris på, og det er gøy at vi vet at dere følger med. Møblene er jo egentlig utemøbler men det spiller ingen rolle så lenge de er så billige og ser så fine ut. Vi skal på IKEA en dag også for å kjøpe ett teppe det kan stå på. Håper alt står bra til med dere på Voss og i Sandane. Lars er veldig flink til å studere, ser han knappt. Håpe det ordner seg med jobb for meg snart også. Så dere videoen vår? Hvis dere klikker på der det står Sydney Action part one så kommer den opp.

    Stoor klem fra Cecilie

  5. Bestum følger med! ;) Ser ut som dere koser dere og har det bra i verdens beste by! Leiligheten ligger jo veldig fint og ser koselig ut - og jobb ordner seg nok snart for ei fink jente.
    Og så må jeg jo få legge til; Vi savner dere!
    Kos og klem

  6. Grattis till fina lägenheten! Måste kännas skönt att komma på plats...

    Saknar dig vännen!

    Ps. vi Vann innebandy kampen i onsdags, första för säsongen och dessvärre den näst sista matchen.. :)

    Massa kramar Louie

  7. Gøy at dere følger med og godt at bestum er på plass. mandag skal jeg ta dere med på en guidet tur i leiligheten og i området hvor vi bor,så det er bare å glede seg.fantastisk fint her:-)
    Grattis med innebandy seier Louise,det betyr at vi ikke blir sist og det er jo toppers.Bra du holder meg oppdattert.Savner dere alle.

    Klem Cec
