This year there will be no KVIKK LUNSJ after a long ski trip, there will be no eating orange in a huge warm down jacket outside in the snow and there will definitely be no moms home made easter dinner. Easter in Australia is very different experience then the one in Norway. It might be a climate thing as there is no snow in sight and we are still enjoying temperatures well above 25 degrees, it is however with no doubt a cultural thing. Australian Easter is very similar to American Easter and I should know since I have lived and enjoyed easter in both countries. Here they buy cupcakes in all kinds of flashy colors, people take there kids to huge Easter Shows where they have plenty of fun games and where kids can meet farm animals and buy Showbags filled with candy and toys. Although Easter does not officially start until Good Friday in Australia I decided to try to get into the Easter spirit by going cupcake hunting in Surry Hills, a suburb just outside the city center (similar to Gruneløkka). Walking down Crown Street amongst all the organic and hip cafes I stumbled over this cute little cupcakery called SPARKLE. Believe me, this was cupcake heaven with cupcakes inn all the colors and tastes you can imagine. I ended up buying a coconut covered cupcake for Lars, as I know he loves coconut, and for myself I bought a white chocolate coated cupcake with pink mint, a very girly choice. As Lars spent all Saturday at university working on his assignment I decided to surprise him with a little treat. I therefore brought a blanket, the yummy cupcakes and myself to the university and we enjoyed a little picnic on the grass in front of the library. No wonder he loves me....
Nevertheless, we wont really have time to celebrate Easter this year as I start in my new job today and Lars has two essays due just after the Easter break. We will however take time to meet some friends for a BBQ over the long weekend (work is off Friday and Monday) and hopefully go out for some drinks.
Stables Theatre Darlinghurst
As mentioned I start in a new job with TANDBERG Australia today and I am very excited. I will be working as a Channel Sales Development Manager working with developing and training TANDBERG Partners. I will tell you more about the job when I get into it, but I am looking forward to using my knowledge and experience in the Australian market. My days as a "desperate house wife" are over.
Vesbar Cafe, Crown Street, Surry Hills
Lars is still very busy with school and on Thursday he had his first presentation in front of class. Unfortunately he is also busy on the weekends, however yesterday we made time for a picnic in the local park. The best lunch you can eat when the sun is shining, and Lars has to run back to his essay rather quickly, is some cheese and crackers in the park followed by some fresh grapes and strawberries.
I also want to quickly mention that on Friday I sailed my last Twilight race for the summer. The weather was fantastic with lots of wind and the sunset was just beautiful. The summer season starts again in September and I cant wait to get back out there. However, the sailing season never stops in Sydney Harbor. For those who want to sail all year round the winter series start in May with sailing every Saturday.
With that note we wish you all a Happy Easter and hope you have a great holiday wherever you are in the world.
Big hug from Lars and Cecilie
halloen, calling frå Voss: Hyggeleg lesing frå Sidney. Vil gratulera deg Cecilie med jobb. Høyrest greitt spennande ut. Været er litt nedbør med vind idag, men det er milt. Dårleg skiføre, lite snø. Spesiell påske, iår. Maja m/fam. kjem på onsdag. Dei vil vera på hytta, så då får me gamlingane reisa ut på besøk der. Eg har fri i påskehelga. God påske til dere i varmen, tenkjer på dere. Klem frå Voss.