Monday, 1 March 2010

Let the university classes begin, and the apartment-hunting stop...

We have some good news this Monday. On Saturday we went apartment hunting and found this cute little apartment down by Rushcutters Bay. It is small and it is in an older building, but it has a good sizes bedroom. and it has recently been renovated. The bathroom is new and the kitchen is new, it has internal laundry and a dishwasher. The best part is that it has a cute balcony with morning sun and it is big enough for us to have breakfast. It is also situated at the end of a no through street so it is very quiet and nice. It is only a 3 min to walk to the nearest subway station that takes Lars straight to uni, and in 10-15 minutes you can walk to the city or straight over to Darlinghurst and Paddington. Anyways, the real-estate agency called us today and wanted us to come down and leave a deposit to hold the apartment. We think that means that we might get it, and tat we can move in already next Friday. However, we will not get too excited before we are a 100% sure we get it. We will know more this afternoon and will keep you posted.

This is where we live now in "the" studio

Today is also Lars’s first day at university and it is exciting. He has been taking some pre-courses during last week on how to write essays and how to use the library resources, just to get a feel of the action. He has met a lot of Asians but hardly any Europeans or Australians and no Norwegians. It will be interesting to see if there are any Norwegians in his first class today. As for my job hunting, the first step is to go down to Manpower and Kelly Services in the city tomorrow to present myself and see if they have any jobs available. Other than that I will apply for jobs over the Internet and also contact the Norwegian companies that I know in Sydney. I hope I can get something interesting, time will tell. 

 In between apartment-hunting this week we cooled down with a swim in Leo and Mary's pool.

The week that just passed has been great. We spent most of the weekend apartment hunting, but also had time for some dining and wining, the Mardi Gras parade, sailing, some workouts and a trip to the (closed) beach.

The pictures below will give you an idea about our week.

Have a great day everyone!

Big hug from Lars and Cecilie 

Beach closed because of tsunami warning


Mardi Gras Parade 2010
                                                                          Lars@ The Fringe Bar


  1. Hei! Har de fortsatt marked på Fringe på lørdagene? Plasser Lars i baren så kan du shoppe litt :)


  2. Hei shnuppa:-)

    Ja, de har fortsatt marked på lørdagene, og vi var faktisk innom sist lørdag. Men siden jeg egentlig ikke kan shoppe noe før jeg har fått meg jobb (avtale mellom Lars og meg) så vet jeg ikke om jeg tør å dra innom igjen. Det var såååå mange fine kjoler der....

    Lars likte seg i baren:-)

  3. halloen, melding frå voss. Les at dere har det bra. Håper dere har fått vita om de får leiligheita? Håper det går bra med Lars. Korleis var det å verta skulegut igjen? Her heime er det masse snø og kaldt. Akkurat no 13 - Snakkast helsing mor og far .
