Sunday, 9 May 2010

The perfect day.....

The Sydney Opera House was soaked in sun and the Botanical Gardens in Sydney was full of happy people enjoying a beautiful and warm autumn day. The date 09.05.2010 would be a date to remember for the couple from Norway who earlier this year moved to Sydney to explore life on the other side of the world. For one, it was a perfect day. The sun was shining and there was not a cloud to be seen over the Sydney skyline. It was the perfect day to take a walk from Rushcutters Bay down towards the gardens. It was the perfect day for a pick-nick in one of the most beautiful gardens in the world. It was the perfect day to relax on a pick-nick blanket with the guy you love, enjoying the beautiful view of the Opera House and the Harbor Bridge. It was the perfect day for Lars to go down on his knee on a picknick blanket, in front of the Opera House, and the Harbor Bridge to ask Cecilie if she would want to spend the rest of her life with him. It was the perfect day for Cecilie to say yes. The date 09.05.2010 would always be a date to remember.........


  1. Gleda er stor her på voss. Idag nådde nyheita om forlovelsen mellom Lars-Olav og Cecilie oss. Masse gratulasjon frå oss dere får, med masse klemmer og lukke til vidare på ferden går.Me gler oss med dere, og ynskjer dykk tillukka med dagen idag,og dagane som kjem.
    GRATULERA frå mor og far.
    Me er kjempe glad i dere begge to.

  2. Weeeeee!!! Å Cecilie, nå fikk jeg frysninger over hele kroppen:) Martin lurte fælt på hvorfor jeg satt her og hvinte i sofaen og da jeg skulle forelle ha om begivenheten ble jeg så rørt at jeg nesten ikke klarte å lese teksten for han:) Fantastisk hyggelig altså!

    Nyt dagene videre. Ah, det er så hyggelig å være nyforlovet:)

    Stor klem fra Anita

  3. Gratulerer så masse begge to :) så hyggelig å høre....

    Stor klem fra Marthe

  4. Takk for hyggelige hilsner alle sammen, det var virkelig en perfekt dag:-)klemmer fra Cecilie og Lars
