We are lucky to have some very good friends in Sydney who invite us to beautiful places. This weekend Barry invited us to his mothers beach house in Gerroa. And when I say beach house it is a house ON THE BEACH, thus you cant get any closer to the water. It was very good timing for a trip down south. Lars really needed a break from his studies, and it was good for me to get out of the city after some long days at work.

On Saturday we woke up at 9am. The sun was shining and with 26 degrees in the air and 22 degrees in the water neither life or the surf could be any better.
The gang getting ready for a morning surf
Surfer dude
Views of Gerroa Beach
The surfing on Saturday went really well and Lars had some good runs standing on the board. As beginners we did stay close to the beach, and the smaller waves, but it was great fun. After two hours in the water we were totally exhausted. We spent the rest of the day laying on the beach and in the beautiful beach house garden, relaxing. We even spotted a dolphin family jumping out in the sea, and that is not something you see every day.
Since the weather was so nice we also ended up having a big BBQ and lots of good Australian wine under the stars later that night.
On Sunday we did actually get up early to make time for a morning surf, but our bodies aced so much from the surfing (and the wine) the day before so we only had energy for an hour in the water. Later in the afternoon we drove to a little town, only 20min from Gerroa, called (ironically)Berry. When you arrive in Berry its like traveling back in time. There are only old style authentic buildings in the town, cute craft shops, and a very relaxed atmosphere. If you are in the Gerroa area you will not regret taking a trip through Berry.
Sighseeing in Berry
On our way back from Berry to Sydney on Sunday we drove past Kangaroo Valley hoping to spot some wild kangaroos in the countryside. Unfortunately we did not spot any, but Kangaroo Valley was a valley worth visiting. Not only did they have a self serve fudge and coffee machine but the nature there was astonishing. It shows that Australia has more to offer then beaches and wine.
We enjoyed a great weekend discovering new parts of Australia, and we are very grateful that we have the opportunity to experience it together.
We hope all of you are well, that spring is near, and that you are not stuck somewhere because of the ash cloud.
Have a super-duper week.
Big hug,
Lars and Cecilie
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